Monthly Archives: July 2011

He’s here!

Cameron Anthony Scott

born July 27, 2011 at 1:27 pm

7 lbs 4 oz 20 and a half inches


Couch Party


because that’s what’s up on a HOT 38 weeks pregnant evening.


A thank you note

In the past couple of weeks, I have been on a little mini roller coaster of a will he won’t he be out today?  I realize how typically first time pregnancy this is but it could really get draining with out the support of our friends and family, that means SO much to me.  I can not thank you all enough for the company, foot rubs, long walks, daily “what do you need?”s and “how are you?”s, excitement, understanding, advice, supportive stories.  I could go on and on and on.  I love you all.  We are a very lucky family to have all of you around us.

p.s. my new focus, this baby really is not even due for more than 2 weeks.

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer heat!  I will be walking around indoors (2nd trip to Target in 2 days) then putting my feet up. Doctor’s orders.


so this is waiting for your baby…

Being a first time mom, I was pretty sure I would make it all the way to my due date and maybe a little but past.  This week at the doctor I found out that I am 2 centimeters dilated and 80% effaced (a lot of information for the internet).  I was pretty surprised.  Just a week before that, there was nothing going on.  I am having some other really graphic indications that early labor is coming.  On Thursday and Friday I had contractions for more than an hour each day that were less than 10 minutes apart but both times they stopped.  This was more likely braxton hicks. They were not painful really, but got me really excited since these were the first contractions I was feeling.

Before this week, I have not really been all that uncomfortable or anxious to get this show on the road.  Now it is hard not to be thinking that it could be hours or weeks.  I feel so ready to meet him and kiss his little face.

Another pre-labor sign.